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Stephen Baggs Funeral Directors
Russell George Christy
Christy - A service to celebrate the life of Mr Russell George Christy of Orbost, will arrive at the Orbost Cemetery at 11.00am on Monday (Jun. 24) 2024 for a graveside service. No flowers by request. In lieu donations to Memory Lane, Royal Flying Doctor Service would be appreciated. Russell’s service will be streamed here. Christy - Russell George, of Orbost. 17th August 1963 - 13th June 2024 He was our North, our South, our East and West Our working week and our Sunday rest Our noon, our midnight, our talk, our song We thought he would be here forever, we were wrong Everything to his wife Tricia. Adored by his children Emma, Todd, Noah and Seth. Cherished Poppy Russ of Chris, Jayce and Henry. Beloved father-in-law to Huw and Bronwyn. Loving son of Ruth and Lionel and wonderful brother to Dawn, Helen, Colin and Gail.
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