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Stephen Baggs Funeral Directors
Humphries (née O’Connell) - The funeral of Mrs Cheryl Maree Humphries of Omeo, will leave the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Omeo, after prayers commencing at 12.00pm on Friday (Jul. 5), 2024, for the Omeo Cemetery. Cheryl’s funeral service will be streamed here. Humphries (née O’Connell) - Cheryl Maree. Passed away peacefully surrounded by family on 14th June 2024. Daughter of Michael and Mary O’Connell (both dec.), loving sister of Gayle, Colleen and Christopher. Devoted wife of Peter (dec.). Adored mother of Terry, Kim, Russell and Amanda. Mother-in-law of Tania, Sam and Rick. Cherished Nan of Aaron, Jessica, Bailey, Phoebe, Zoe, Jake, Zac, Tyler and Amelia. Great Nan of Grace, Dusty and Charlie. Death leaves a heartache no-one can heal; love leaves a memory no-one can steal.
Cheryl Maree Humphries (née O’Connell)
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